
Welcome Friends

My “Five Minute Friday“went longer the Five Minutes, but I loved the prompt: BRAVE.  The word prompted memories that lead me to a special place, so I thought I would share a piece of my heart with you.
sub & dad 2

Brave reminds me of the day I watched my husband and my son-in-law walk ahead of my daughter and I towards the restaurant for an early morning breakfast. I still remember the feeling I had knowing this would be our last breakfast together for a while. Our brave soldier would be leaving for a 15-month deployment to Iraq.

My heart filled with respect and admiration as I looked at this fine young man, and wondered what would cause a person to volunteer so freely to serve his country and willingly go into harm’s way for others.  To stand and fight for people he does not know so they can enjoy safety and freedom too.  Is it the brave determination of character to serve God and to do what is right because he loves his country and family?

They say “Freedom is never free,” but there is always a price… physically, mentally and emotionally.


 I am humbled and honored to say  thank you to the brave soldiers who fight for my peace and freedom.

In this moment I also am overwhelmed as I remember that Christ did the same for me. He freely gave himself for me.   “Christ paid a price I could never pay to give me life I did not deserve”.  I am loved and blessed.

Thank You to all who serve, I am praying for you!

Lovingly, Karan

Thank you for sharing your time with me, dear friend. What does the word Brave bring to your mind?  I’d love to hear from you.